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Lesson in Mechanics

Black and White Photographic Project

It’s strange and sometimes even scary the way we depend emotionally on certain people. There are times when it becomes impossible to deprive yourself of their presence because you know that they are the only ones truly capable of filling your heart with emotions. Without them, you exist. But you no longer live emotionally. And without emotion, it’s just mechanics…

“Lesson in Mechanics” is a two-pieces black and white photographic project that evokes the memory of two persons who are no longer present in our lives. These two photos present the casual and effortless environment in which interacting with these two people used to also happen naturally and effortlessly. The relationship with these two people used to be easy and based on love, but now there is no one left to maintain a relationship with.

Playlist for a complete experience here.

Lesson In Mechanics | Black and White Photographic Project (1)
Lesson In Mechanics | Black and White Photographic Project (2)

🇪🇸 Es extraño y a veces incluso aterrador el modo en el que dependemos emocionalmente de ciertas personas. Hay momentos en los que resulta imposible privarse de su presencia, porque sabes que son las únicas verdaderamente capaces de llenar tu corazón de emociones. Sin ellas, existes. Pero ya no vives con emoción. Y sin emoción, es sólo mecánica…

🇷🇴 E ciudat și uneori chiar înfricoșător felul în care depindem emoțional de anumite persoane. Sunt momente în care devine imposibil a te lipsi de prezența lor, deoarece știi că ele sunt singurele persoane într-adevăr capacitate pentru a-ți umple cu adevărat sufletul cu emoție. Fără acele persoane exiști. Dar nu mai trăiești cu emoție. Iar fără emoții, e doar mecanică.

Also available on Instragram.